An Important Message

Christina @aecrys
4 min readJun 30, 2022


I stood leaning on the garden fence as the sun had already set. There were dense clouds, and the air was moist. I looked out avoiding the thought of anything. And I was overcome with sight of our planet. The breeze reached my skin, and an awareness came.

The sight of this planet, and our inhabitance upon it was clear. And as my awareness lifted, I had the sense that we were experiencing a new position, new “weather”, galactic weather, changes. Very big changes.

I received the feeling that these changes are here, now and we are experiencing the effects. Bodily changes, mental changes, emotional changes, environmental changes, spiritual changes. More people have anxiety than ever. More are noticing their differences in thinking, receiving and feeling. More people with autism, more people depressed, more extremes.

Unfortunately, especially in the U.S, there is no culture that prepares one for such things. No culture to truly lean on for support of our real life. Our culture in this country feigns support through nothing more than politics. Fighting and opinions and laws that do not truly do as what a culture should. People aren’t sure what to believe, where to place their heart, how to prepare, or even that they should be preparing for something.

Instead, our modern culture is doing all it can to profit off the cope. Everyone is coping with the changes. Unfortunately, we have a simulated parental source which is feeding off and selling to the people coping mechanisms. Whether it is medication, faster internet, material things, stories, media, distractions, food… etc, etc..

We are being utilized for temporary profit while the planet and ourselves are going through this massive change that has nothing to do with these little daily, profit and loss systems and distractions. Real people, your family, yourself, are feeling and experiencing things that need real help and preparation for even more that is to come that is beyond stopping.

No amount of money will prepare you for what is to come.

The most important thing of our time right now, is strength. Is preparing for the energies to get even more intense. To secure your mind and spirit. To be able to handle intensity and spiritual/mental forces. To learn how to live in a world that will require sensitivities, intuition and authority over yourself in navigating the unseen — the not so obvious. The world beyond the consumerist society that has taken over every one's family. May we remember the true value of a real culture.

A culture should teach our children how to generate their own sense of bliss. A culture should include care and communion. Self-survival. It should include religion. New religion, old religion, the point being, the discovery of truth, self, a guiding light.

All are being fooled to look into their phones and outside of themselves towards the hypnotic drama generated to feed itself with your attention at the expense of your sanity, security and stability. You may use these tools for yourself, for good, for research, but when it becomes symbiotic… when your thoughts are not your own and you are advocating for the things you have seen, heard, or read, without ever having looked within and contemplated, You… when it distracts you from what you can do to support your family, when you still feel anxious, even more so, afraid, suggestable… It is time to break that line and re-govern yourself.

The earth, the wind, the planet, the Guiding Source within, has told me this. And you can contemplate it for yourself, whether you find it true. We need to remove our line of living energy from the succubus that is the devilish fog hanging over and within the artificial web we’ve connected to. And reconnect our line of living energy to our family, our community, God and Love.


Because it is only going to get more intense. And we need to be prepared. Preparation looks like, self-consciousness, stability, clear intuition and seeing, peace, sovereignty. Knowing what you do, why you do it and making yourself a steady pillar not only for you but for those you love who are around you. There will be more franticness, there will be ‘threats’. Make yourself stable, make yourself clear. Connect with yourself and find the stability that flows through. Spiritually, you must become aware of the unseen. The unseen is what creates the seen. By the time it is seen it could be said that it is too late to change it. This is only half true. As energy constantly moves. But to understand the unseen and sense it, you will be able to see how and why it is forming into the world in the way it is.

You must govern your thoughts. You must be vigilant in what you allow to grow within your mind. Your thoughts are where the real war takes place. Your thoughts and mind are the real estate that the negative forces are trying to claim, are bargaining for, are paying millions to reach and live inside. These are the advertisements, the media, the ideas that travel from one to another. A real virus, sickness, that separates you from yourself, separates you from your stability and connection with your Source. Clear your mind, own your thoughts, re-build a culture, starting with you, your family, those who are within your space, those who witness you, re-build a culture that supports a real life. Your real life, their real life. Not the profitable, for show life. The real one. Support your inner stability so that you can support others in generating their own. Because you love them and there are bigger things happening than what our modern culture has led us to believe and to focus on.

With all the love I have to give,


