From low to center…

Christina @aecrys
3 min readJun 27, 2022


I am feeling low, it may be because of this ache in my emptiness. Oh, here comes water. I said I’m achingly empty and it never fails that water rushes to fill the space. Thank you, G*d. I need to write... so I will pull back the tears.

It might be more than my personal feelings that cause my sadness. Everywhere there is fighting and selfishness. Everywhere someone has something that someone else wants and nobody is grateful. Please send the children to me. Send the acorns that so many people are fighting over. “They have no life, yet! Don’t let it steal mine! End it now!” “They ARE life, save them!” “You are oppressing my choices!” “You are a murderer!” This stream of painful arguing swims through the collective mind, traumatizing us all.

I woke up today, quite sad. I had a long night. Woke up with sweats, woke up to the neighbors fighting, woke up to my hand gripping my neck because in my dream I was shot by someone I knew. In these dreams of my death, they are so vividly uncomfortable... blood rushes my throat, I close my eyes… and I choose again, I wake up in my bed, regaining peace and order, my blood returns to its loving motion. I had another dream... I held a baby, it was worth all the rest. And another dream where lovers killed each other in dramatic flame.

I guess that might be why my feet drag this morning and my mind sinks down to my knees. So I came to write before I became to heavy to fly.

So, I am pulling my spirit back up from disappearing into my knees, back up into my heart because without Spirit in my heart I truly cannot see. Forms appear before me but I cannot see. As I begin to recognize Spirit and lift it back into its alter in my chest… I might see again. I might be manifest again, I might love and be helpful.

I think what happens, when one looses their way for a moment or longer, is their mind sinks down and takes the place of their heart and their heart sinks down into their knees. The mind replacing the heart means that they are letting thoughts, thoughts that change, thoughts that are manipulated, sit on the throne. They are letting themselves be ruled by this awful ruler. And the heart has been pushed down in this ungrounded, weakness.

Many will notice this change of heart and mind and think it is time to make decisions. Because the mind is now sitting on the throne. This is actually not the time to make decisions… you have a false ruler. It is telling you many things, things that will not last or be real in the next hour, minute or tomorrow, as this mind knows it is sitting where it does not belong. So, it wants to act fast. When you notice you are feeling off… notice this sinking.. notice this false ruler sitting on your hearts throne.. notice your heart stuffed into your knees. Do not let decisions be made. Instead, do what you can to cast the mind back, upwards and backwards towards the hands of G*d’s wisdom… and bring Spirit, your Heart, back into it’s Place. Your heart has much less thoughts and much more faith. You are also able to see more clearly, with less contradictions when it is sitting on it’s throne. I hope this helps you distinguish the two.

This writing for me has lifted my spirit back into my chest. Thank you for this medium… And those who read it, I hope it may have served you, too.

We need love. We need each other. We need ourselves to be pure so that we can rely on one another for good. We need to be good for our friends, for our loved ones, for those who are looking for the truth. We need to be careful about our receptivity to lies and about what we amplify. Everyone is a child. Everyone is One and the Same.

If you spot deception.. correct it within yourself.

Be careful not to attack.

If you attack before deep correction, you are also deceived.

Take care.



